Wednesday, July 1, 2009

6) Does the drug have a medical use? If so what is it?

-It can be used to cure migraines and cluster headaches
-it has a 45% success rate in curing alcoholism versus therapy's 12%
-therapists have had success in giving it to mental patients and taking it themselves to better understand schizophrenia.(Brain disorder)

12) Is the character physically or psychologically addicted to the drug and explain why?

-The Character is physically and psychologically addicted to drug. He used drug to feel euphoria and decrease feeling of dyphoria when he felt stresses.

24) Create a small quiz of 10 questions for your peers to take to test their knowledge or a link to one already. You should know all the answers and b

1) True or False. LSD was first made in 1938 by the chemist Dr. Albert Hoffman in Switzerland.
2) True or False. LSD is lysergic acid diethylamide.
3) True or False. LSD is expensive and hard to find.
4) List 3 short term effects of LSD
5) List 1 long term effects of LSD
6) List 2 methods of taking LSD
7) List 3 reasons why people take drug
8) Which drug class LSD involves?
9) If your friend takes drug, what is good way to stop him from taking drug?
10) What is JIS’s drug tolerance?

11) Close your eyes and imagine a drug abuser, then breifly describe him or her. Then imagine a drug misuser and briefly describe him or her. Finally

27years old man
Likes: reading
watching movie
drinking alcohol
Dislike: getting bad grade
some teacher
Favorite food: Vietnamese
Not popular
Not wealthy

He was born in poor family in Vietnam. Hoping to escape from his poor condition, he tried his best on his school work to be successful in the future in order to take care of his family. His hard work paid back by letting him to enter Harvard University. Fortunately, he graduated Harvard University with the top grade. Then he began searching for a good job. On the last day of school, he went to the club with his friends. In the club he saw his friends taking drug, LSD, and he was asked to try it once. He tried it, yet worrying about the bad outcome he might have, because he wanted to be popular, or be the ‘cool guy’ among the society. Still, he thought he would be able to quit drug without any struggles. However, obviously, addiction of LSD was powerful thus making him to be a heavy drug user. Regardless of the fact that he was a drug user, he found a good job by not telling his drug use. However he was very stressed because of hard work and lack of sleep. Thinking he would get rid of those stresses, he took drug every night after his work was done. While taking drug, he wasn’t able to feel any dysphoria. Thus he finally became tolerant to a drug, elevating the drug doses dramatically. Using more drugs let him to experience euphoria. Few years later, his body became very weak and he knew that his illness was from overdose of drug. However knowing that didn’t help him to withdraw it. The finally one of his office partners found out that he was a serious drug user, accusing him for taking illegal. drugs. He happened to get fired from his work, go to hospital, and lose his dream that he wished to come true when he was a real ‘cool guy.

22) We may think the following of abusers, “Why don’t they just make themselves give up on drugs? All they need is willpower.” Please think of things

It is extremely hard to give up drug especially who takes drug for long period of time. However, some people might think that it is easy to quit the drug. They might feel this way because it is not his/her problem. We need to think in drug abuser’s perspective. For example, if someone ask you to stop playing games or stop eating your favorite food, probably most people can’t quit easily. Moreover, drug addiction is harder to quit because it involves physical and psychological effects. Therefore, close family or friend need to take care of him.
For example:
-give some informations about result.
-meet someone who quits using of drug.
-meet someone who fails to quit.
-change/decrease the amount bit by bit

20) How do you help a drug abuser who does not want to quit or even acknowledge that there is a problem? There is something important the abuser must

-If someone is taking drug, you need to take him/her to nurse or hospital to give information about drug to drug abuser. Especailly about result of taking drug.

18) How would your family be changed if a family member started abusing drugs or was addicted? How would your family deal with the individual.

-Financial problem
-no enthusiasm in job
-caution (chance to spread drug to family member)
-no accusation to protect family member
-one whole family looks immoral
-his/her friends look immoral

-make drug user to take medical treatment
-ask help from anti-drug organization (UNAD)

16) Ads about the drug that would help a person not want to use the drug. Example (poster, youtube, commercial, magazine ad vs. and ad that marketers



10) Why do people abuse drugs?

-To avoid feeling bored
- some may think that drug taking is daring and exciting.
-Peer pressure, to join in with others and belong to a ‘special’ group.
-To feel more self confident.
-As an escape from problems at home and school, or as an escape from outside pressures.
-To relax and ‘feel good’.
-Ease of access to drugs.
-Some medications, such as sleeping pills and painkillers, are physically addictive.

8) Statistics about the drug (How many use it, deaths caused by it, etc). Please include visuals and graphs where available.

-LSD leads to around 5000 emergencies every year
-11% of all high school students in the US have and constantly use LSD
-The graph on the top shows the percentage of LSD users in Britain
-2700 deaths per year occur due to LSD

4) How is the drug taken?

-LSD is originally a white or clear(transparent), odorless, water-soluble crystal that can be broke into a powder and dissolved. The most common form of LSD is as a liquid that has been transferred onto a small paper square (known as "blotter"). Additionally, it is also found as a powder or crystal, dried on gelatin sheets, put into capsules or on sugar cubes, or laced with other drugs. Users usually chew or swallow them, allowing the drug to be absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract.It also is inhaled or injected.
red part=gastrointestinal tract.

25) Bibliography

Here are the sources we used:

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

14) The symptoms how are students caught abusing and selling drugs and what are the consequences to this?
  • Fatigue
  • Repeated health complaints
  • Red/ glazed eyes
  • Lasting cough


  • Mood swings
  • Personality change
  • Poor judgement
  • Irresponsible behavior


  • Problems with the law
  • Changes to uncommon styles of music, clothing
  • The acquiration of uncaring friends


  1. Juvenille Hall
  2. Jail
  3. Deportation (depending on the nation's laws)
  4. Death Penalty (depending on the nation's laws)

19) How to Help Someone Withdraw from a Drug

According to, to withdraw from a drug safely and successfully there are 5 recommended steps to achieve this:
  1. One must prepare mentally, emotionally and physically for a life without the drug.
  2. Practice a healthy lifestyle, good nutrition, exercise and rest.
  3. Find a low stress area to isolate yourself from the ideas around you.
  4. Be aware of the withdrawl effects of your drug.
  5. Sign a good medical practitioner to guide you through your withdrawal from the drug.


5) A Brief History of LSD

First made in 1938 by the chemist Dr. Albert Hoffman in Switzerland. It was originally made as a respiratory and circulatory stimulant although the research was stopped because the drug brought no benefits. Though it was later used as an instrument for studying mental illness. In the 1960's and 70's LSD was the top drug of choice although after the negative effects of the drug were made public, its popularity fell. LSD though in recent years has slowly regained its popularity with young adults as it is cheap and easy to buy.

Here is a link to a youtube video about LSD:

21) 2 LSD Related Movies

1. LSD Psychedelic Freak-Out, V. 1 1966 (Documentary)


23) What are the local organizations and contact numbers for people to go to help? What is the cost of the facility?

Some Jakarta Based Drug Rehabilitation Centers

  • Yakita Foundation
  • Social Affairs Ministry
  • Pondok Pinang
  • Karang Tengah, The Fan Campus

*contact numbers for these centers are unknown.

There are over 22 accredited private rehabilitation centers in Indonesia.

These services do not come cheap at a monthly rate ranging from Rp. 2 - 4 million per head.

Monday, June 29, 2009

17) 3 Non-drug relaint ways of releasing endorphin

  1. An intense basketball game, playing until the point of exhaustion.
  2. Riding a thrilling ride, like a roller coaster.
  3. Getting pinched, the pain will stimulate the release of endorphin.

15) Lyrics Supporting Drug Abuse

Purple Hills
by Eminem and D12

I been so many places
I seen so many faces
But nothing compares
To these blue and yellow purple hills
Ive climbed the highest mountain
Once or twice but who's countin'
But nothing compares
To these blue and yellow purple hills
This song portrays the consumption of drugs as an amazing, irreplacable and unforgettable experience.

13) School's Drug Tolerance

JIS absolutely shares no favor with any one consuming illegal drugs as it is a danger to the user's state of health and well being. If one chooses though to consume these hazardous substances, one shall be consequently expelled from the campus and the local authorities will be contacted.

9) What is an addiction? How do people become addicted?

Addiction is the devotion, habit or demanding feeling one needs to do something or have something. When one neds to do something, one may have a unwanted habit. When one needs to have something, one may be addicted to drugs. People become addicted to a habit or object as long as it provides a feeling of pleasure.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

7) Effects of LSD

Short term:
  • Dilated pupils
  • Higher body temperatures
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • Sweating
  • Appetite loss
  • Insomnia
  • Dry mouth
  • Tremors
  • More dramatic sensations
  • Regular mood swings
  • Hallucinations

Long Term:

  • Flashbacks
  • Dejavu


  • User gradually loses desire for drug
  • Not addicting; no compulsive seeking behavior

What drug are we researching?

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), a major drug of the hallucinogen drug class.

2) How many different classes of drugs are there and what are there names? (There are seven. Example: Narcotics)


3) What drug we're researching?